Something Blue

Something Blue

Male & Female Images
Gold Rings
Blue Garter

The day after the wedding, but has the right decision been made ? 

Clearly in love, Tom and Eva are reflecting on their relationship – but how does Kirsty see her future unfolding ? 

Will the knot be untied or bound into a lasting bow ?

  Platform:                       Short Theatre Play and Film

  Running Time:     7 minutes (approx.)

     Status                                        Date                                         Company/Venue                            Director                              Actors

     Performed                              3rd February 2021                Scene Sessions - Online              Meg Matthews &             Megan King, Lindsay Atherton

                                                                                                                                                                Meg McCarthy                  & Luke Rees-Oliviere


     Read                                        31st January 2022                 10 Minutes a Month                      N/A                                    Katie Smith, Adam Moulder

                                                                                                       Playwriting Collective                                                              Sarah Bostock


    Performed (Radio Play)         20th July 2023                       BBC Essex Radio Play                  Alan Hall                            Sean Carrington, Kate Lynton &

                                                                                                                                                                                                            Isabel M. Patterson                    


 Radio Play - 20 July 2023


BBC Essex  aired a radio play version of Something Blue on July 2023, as part of the Upload Programme, that forms part of Rob Jelly's evening show.


Upload gives ordinary members of the public the chance to showcase their talent on the BBC - whatever they're making or creating, Upload can help them share it. The Upload Team watch, read, or listen to everything that's uploaded and what catches their attention will go on air or on BBC digital platforms.

The parts of Eva, Tom and Kirsty were played by three very talented actors - Isabel M. Patterson, Sean Carrington and Kate Lynton - and is being directed and recorded by Alan Hall.

Rob Jelly interviewed Alan and Isabel M. Patterson about the play


 Online - 3rd February 2021

Scene Sessions staged an online Rehearsed Reading of "Something Blue" on Zoom during the 2021 Lockdown.  Scene Sessions is a free online platform run by "The Megs", Meg Matthews and Meg McCarthy, to help writers develop new material and keep actors connected and working with material during the 2020/21 Pandemic.


Scene Sessions has staged four of Alan's plays.