Humanity No.1 - Love and Sex

Humanity No.1 - Love and Sex

How were humans created ? 


By Adam and Eve ?  Wrong. 


The Big Bang ? No – wrong again.


It was the Bods.


The Bods are human body parts, working away at Project Human Being – to create a prototype of the first human.  They beaver away at their weekly project meetings – taking a proper project management approach to their task.


They’re all there – Brain (the Chair), Hand (Secretary) and Heart.  This workstream is for Sex and Love - for which the two specialists, Penis and Vagina, have been enlisted for their expert knowledge.


Who will get their way ?  Brain…or Heart ? And how will the Bods get over the ongoing issue of premature ejaculation ? Oh…and what about the danger of broken Hearts ?


Humanity: 1 – Love and Sex is the first Workstream of Project Human Being.  Other Workstreams in the series are:


  • Birth                  • Gender                    •  Health                      •  Death


Humanity will be instantly recognisable to all those who have suffered endless meetings – especially those pointless Project Management ones…and their PIDS, Critical Paths, Action Plans and Gantt Charts !

This is Alan's first short comedy play, and his first in collaboration with new playwright Peter Redding.

Humanity No.1 - Love and Sex is a new play and has not yet been performed anywhere. 

  Platform:                       Short Theatre Play

  Running Time:     17 minutes (approx.)

     Status                                        Date                                         Company/Venue                            Director                              Actors

     To be performed                   18 November 2024               Theatre in the Pound,                   TBA                                    TBA

                                                                                                       Cockpit Theatre, London



Theatre in the Pound, Cockpit Theatre, Marylebone, London - November 2024

Alan's latest short stage, and his first comedy, Humanity No.1 - Love and Sex - written in collaboration with new playwright Peter Redding - has been chosen by the 220-seat Cockpit Theatre in Marylebone, London to be  staged on Monday 18 November 2024 as part of the Theatre's Theatre in the Pound initiative with admission just £1.

This is also the first stage play that Alan has produced himself, bringing together the Director and cast and liaising with the theatre.  The Director is currently being appointed.

Theatre in the Pound is a not-for-profit scratch night held on the third Monday of every month., designed for individuals or groups of performers to try out or showcase 10-15 minutes of new work.

For artists, it's an accessible and affordable way to try out new work on stage with full support from the backstage and tech crew.

For audiences, it's a cheap and fun night out, seeing new work and sharing thoughts directly with the performers.