A Stable Home

A Stable Home

pregnant woman

A contemporary radio play and stage play inspired by The Nativity, "A Stable Home" gives an insight into a homeless family living in temporary accommodation at Christmas and all year round.. Mary is a homeless pregnant woman with a child, Jez (full name Jesus), living in temporary accpommodation at "The Star" B&B - where she meets Cassie and Mel (inspired by two of the Wise Men, Casper and Melchior), who have not experienced the reality of homelessness.

Will there be Room at the Inn this Christmas ?

  Platform:                       Short Radio and Theatre Play

  Running Time:     20 minutes (approx.)

     Status                                        Date                                         Company/Venue                            Director                              Actors

     Radio Play - Performed       10th February 2022              BBC Essex Local Radio                  Alan Hall              Clive Weatherley, Lynda

                                                                                                                                                                                                Shelverton, Cate Welmers 



 Upload, BBC Essex - 10 February 2022 

Local radio station, BBC Essex, featured "A Stable Home" on 10 February 2022 as part of its Upload Programme.

Upload gives ordinary members of the public the chance to showcase their talent on the BBC - whatever they're making or creating, Upload can help them share it. The Upload Team watch, read, or listen to everything that's uploaded and what catches their attention will go on air or on BBC digital platforms.

The parts of Mel, Cassie and Mary were played by three experienced amataur actors from Bishops Stortford and North London - Clive Weatherley, Lynda Shelverton and Cate Welmers - directed and recorded by Alan Hall.  The part of the Presenter/Narrator was played by Russ Lewell.