
Alan Hall



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+ + + +  STOP PRESS - LATEST NEWS (1) + + + +


Crimson Eyes has been selected to feature on an innovative theatrical-based app, called Walking Plays, whereby users use their phone and headphones to listen to a play whilst walking along a specified route in London, with the play they are listening to based on - and relating to - the route they are walking. 


In this Walking Play, Phoebe - a street-homeless woman - walks along a route around the West End of London, talking to you about how she became homeless - and what it's like living on the streets.  On your way, Phoebe takes you to places of interest and relevance to her story.

The part of Phoebe is played by Isabel M. Patterson.  The walk lasts around 1 hour.

Click here for further information

Download the app from www.walkingplays.com

+ + + + STOP PRESS - LATEST NEWS (2) + + + +


Alan was interviewed by BBC Essex Presenter Rob Jelly about Crimson Eyes - The Walking Play on his early evening show.  Following the 15-minute interview, Rob also played a 5-minute first-hear clip from the play.

+ + + + STOP PRESS - LATEST NEWS (3) + + + +

Alan has written a new short stage and radio play, in collaboration with new playwright Peter Redding.

How were humans created ?


By Adam and Eve ?  Wrong. 

The Big Bang ? No – wrong again.


It was the Bods !


The Bods are human body parts, working away at Project Human Being – to create a prototype of the first human.  They beaver away at their weekly project meetings – taking a proper project management approach to their task.


They’re all there – Brain (the Chair), Hand (Secretary) and Heart.  This workstream is for Sex and Love - for which the two specialists, Penis and Vagina, have been enlisted for their expert knowledge.


Who will get their way ?  Brain…or Heart ? And how will the Bods get over the ongoing issue of premature ejaculation ? Oh…and what about the danger of broken Hearts ?


Humanity: 1 – Love and Sex is the first Workstream of Project Human Being.  Other Workstreams in the series are:


  • Birth     Gender             •  Health              •  Death


Humanity will be instantly recognisable to all those who have suffered endless meetings – especially those pointless Project Management ones…and their PIDS, Critical Paths, Action Plans and Gantt Charts !


Welcome !

Welcome to the website that features all of Alan Hall's playwriting work. On the tabs at the top of this page, you'll find:

  • Listings of all Alan's plays
  • Dates of performances
  • Information about each play, including the names of the actors and director for each performance
  • Details of each performance
  • Video recordings and audio of performances and rehearsed readings
  • Reviews written by independent theatre critics
  • A gallery of photographs and images from each performance
  • Information about unperformed plays and those in develoment
  • How to contact Alan


Click on the links below to take you to the page you're interested in.  Then use the tabs at the top to navigate to other pages: