Body & Soul

Body & Soul

Female Teacher
Male dancer

Jessie, an inspirational history teacher; has a 30th birthday present from her friends - a night out at a male adult dancing club ! 

With some reluctance, she goes - but is surprised to meet Scott there, one of her ex-pupils. 

Their common point of discussion becomes Scott's school project on “The Strength of Women” and the quotes of famous women over the decades.

But what does the future hold for Scott ? And what obstacles may stand in his way ?

"Body & Soul" twists and turns to an outcome that neither of them would have anticipated.

  Platform:                       Short Theatre and Radio Play

  Running Time:     15 minutes (approx.)

Status                                Date                                        Company/Venue                               Director                     Actors

Performed (Extract)       30th August 2019               Stick or Twist Productions -             Lisa Collins                Lucy Padwick &

                                                                                        The Kings Arms, Salford                                                       Jacob Butler

Performed                       5th August 2020                 Scene Sessions - On-Line               Meg Matthews &      Solaya Sang, Blair Anderson

                                                                                                                                                       Meg McCarthy         & Liza Keast


Performed                       14th August 2020               Writing Doesn't Have To Be             Dan McGarry            Gemma Boaden (McGarry),         

                                                                                         Lonely - On-line                                                                    Moses Gale & Caroline Nash

Performed (Radio)         10th November 2022          BBC Essex - Upload                          Alan Hall                   Clive Weatherley, Eloise Jones

                                                                                                                                                                                           & Linda Clark


 BBC Essex - 10th November 2022

Local radio station, BBC Essex, aired "Body & Soul" on 10th November 2022 as part of Rob Jelly's Upload Programme. 

The parts of Jessie, Scott and Esmeralda are being played by three talented and experienced actors, Clive Weatherley, Eloise Jones and Linda Clark - directed by Alan Hall.

Read Press articles here:

Bishops Stortford Independent

Your Harlow

Upoad gives ordinary members of the public the chance to showcase their talent on the BBC - whatever they're making or creating, Upload can help them share it. The Upload Team watch, read, or listen to everything that's uploaded and what catches their attention will go on air or on BBC digital platforms.


 Online - 5th August 2020

Scene Sessions staged an online Rehearsed Reading of "Body & Soul" on Zoom during the 2020 Lockdown.  Scene Sessions is a free online platform run by "The Megs", Meg Matthews and Meg McCarthy, to help writers develop new material and keep actors connected and working with material during the 2020/21 Pandemic.


Scene Sessions has staged four of Alan's plays.


 Online - 11 August 2020

"Body & Soul" had a Rehearsed Reading as part of the "Writing Doesn't Have To Be Lonely" on-line production during the 2020 Lockdown on 11th August 2020.  Produced by Dan McGarry, the platform provides a chance for writers to share their work, have it read by professional actors and bounce ideas and chat with like minded folk.  Generally held on the first Thursday of each month and established in February 2018,, outside of Lockdown Readings are usually held at the Dapper Sandwich in Northampton.


Stick or Twist Productions - 30 August 2019

Stick or Twist Productions staged an extract of  "Body & Soul" at The Kings Arms, Salford on 30 August 2019, as part of its "Taboo" Production.  The evening was billed as "a night of everything we shouldn't be talking about".