Body & Soul - Gallery

Gallery - Body & Soul

Photos, images and posters related to Body & Soul - by production / venue

BBC Essex Radio Play - BBC Upload

10th November 2022

Clive Weatherley - Scott

Eloise Jones - Jessie

Rob Jelly - BBC Essex Presenter

Linda Clark - Esmeralda

Writing Doesn't Have To Be Lonely - On-line

14th August 2020

Moses Gale - Scott

Caroline Nash - Esmeralda

Blair Anderson - Scott

Solaya Sang - Jessie

Scene Sessions - On-line

5th August 2020

Liza Keast - Esmeralda

Meg McCarthy - Co-Producer

Meg Matthews - Co-Producer

Stick or Twist Productions, The Kings Arms, Salford

30th August 2019

Lucy Padwick - Jessie

Jacob Butler - Scott