+ + + + LATEST NEWS + + + +
Alan's latest short stage, and his
first comedy, Humanity No.1 - Love
and Sex - written in collaboration
with new playwright Peter
Redding - was recently staged at
the 220-seat Cockpit Theatre in
Marylebone, London as part of
the Theatre's Theatre in the Pound
initiative with admission just £1.
How were humans created ?
By Adam and Eve ? Wrong.
The Big Bang ? No – wrong again.
It was the Bods !
The Bods are human body parts, working away at Project Human Being – to create a prototype of the first human. They beaver away at their weekly project meetings – taking a proper project management approach to their task.
They’re all there – Brain (the Chair), Hand (Secretary) and Heart. This workstream is for Sex and Love - for which the two specialists, Penis and Vagina, have been enlisted for their expert knowledge.
Humanity: 1 – Love and Sex is the first Workstream of Project Human Being. Other Workstreams in the series are:
Humanity will be instantly recognisable to all those who have suffered endless meetings – especially those pointless Project Management ones…and their PIDS, Critical Paths, Action Plans and Gantt Charts !
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